Tag Archives: skin

Five Top Tips for Better Skin

You will probably have heard of the following terms, whether in magazines, advertisements or simply in conversation. But do you really understand what they mean and did you know there’s no need to spend a fortune on keeping your skin in optimum condition?

Try these top tips and your skin could be looking more youthful and radiant in weeks, without any need for expensive products or complex terminology!


Cleanse - Soap Bubbles


Cleansing will already be a part of your day-to-day personal hygiene regimen, but a common mistake is to use soap on your face. Although ordinary soap will certainly remove all the dirt, you need to remember that your facial skin is more delicate than that on the rest of your body and hence needs to be treated as such. Ordinary soap will have two negative effects on your facial skin: it will remove all the natural oils, leaving it dry, which will be worsened if you have hard water, and it will clog pores, leading to blackheads, whiteheads and enlarged pores.

The solution is to find a soap-free cleanser that you like, as these are non-comedogenic, meaning they won’t block your pores, and they should be less drying as well. Most will come in gel form, and you should need only a small amount which will lather up when applied to your wet skin, although not as much as soap. Once you’ve found a brand you’re happy with, use it morning and night to keep your face both clean and unclogged.

Cleansing doesn’t stop there though, I’m afraid, but this part should be more fun! For optimum facial skin health you should also indulge in a weekly or bi-weekly face mask to deep clean your pores. Even if you have an ultra busy schedule, make some time to pamper yourself, as you only need between five and fifteen minutes once or twice a week to let your mask dry, and you can spend that time reading or simply relaxing in the tub or in front of the telly – whatever takes your fancy!


Radiant Skin


Exfoliation is key to rejuvenating facial skin and sloughing away all the dull top layers for a youthful, healthier and more radiant appearance. With regular exfoliation, your skin will not only look great, but it should feel soft and smooth and have a more even tone. The first step is to find a secondary cleanser with gentle exfoliating action to use once a week. These tend to have tiny beads in the mixture which help to deep clean your pores.

These should be sufficient for most skin types, but if you suffer from blackheads, whiteheads or acne-prone skin, try microdermabrasion. This is classed as a mild cosmetic procedure, in which a mechanical abrasive devise is moved around the facial skin for deep exfoliation. Medical microdermabrasion utilises a suction action as well, and this helps to further unclog blocked pores.

Medical microdermabrasion is available via dermatologists and is likely to cost around £60/€75/$100 for one treatment, but this should take years off your skin, so if you can afford it, aim for one annual session. Microdermabrasion without the vacuum aspect of medical treatments will cost marginally less, but to really save money, invest in a home kit. It may set you back as much as a medical session, but will provide you with numerous treatments.




Toning and moisturising should be a vital part of your skin regime. After cleansing, your skin is freed from the dust, dirt and oils that have accumulated over the course of the day or night. However, the pores are then open and more susceptible to new impurities entering. Additionally, the open pores mean that the skin’s natural oils and moisture are more readily lost into the atmosphere, and this can lead to dryness.

Toner generally comes in liquid form and is easy to apply with cotton wool. It closes and tightens the pores, and when used regularly, it improves complexion, evening out skin tone. It regulates pH balance and can even fade fine lines. Toner is very cheap, so try a few to find your favourite!

After toning, be sure to moisturise. Moisturising helps maintain the moisture and elasticity of the skin. This keeps skin soft and smooth, and it also provides some protection from premature aging. There are a multitude of moisturisers to choose from, so read reviews before browsing so you can find the most suitable ones for your skin type. You may want a heavier cream for overnight use, and a lighter, lotion type for the day, particularly if you wear make-up.


Hat and Sunglasses


While moisturiser is a great way to prevent premature wrinkles and age spots, sun exposure is one of the main causes of skin damage. It’s easy to combat without having to stay out of the sunshine! Simply choose a moisturiser with UV protection, and be sure to wear it daily, even in winter. The higher the factor, the higher the protection, but on really hot days try wearing a hat and sunglasses as well so that your face has some shade.




Diet plays a large role in maintaining healthy skin. However much you look after your skin on the outside, it is important to eat and drink well too. If we consume too much junk food, or even too many treats like chocolate, they can cause breakouts or worsen acne. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables is great for our bodies and our skin. But remember to also incorporate oily fish, like salmon, into your diet, as the vitamin A that it contains helps to regulate the skin cycle. If you don’t eat fish, try including carrots, broccoli and spinach. There are supplements available that claim to help maintain healthy skin, but it’s best to just eat a well balanced diet and, if anything, take daily multivitamins and minerals to boost your natural intake.


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© 2014 Ruth Hayward – This material may not be copied in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the author.  Please contact the author here to request permission to duplicate.